One-click Screenshot Icon

One-click Screenshot

Take screenshots of entire websites.

Chrome Firefox Source code

What is One-click Screenshot?

This extension is very simple. With just a few clicks, you can take a screenshot of an entire website and save it to a png file. There is no bloat or any fancy post-processing. The extension is open source.

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2022-06-21 - MV3

Since I built this extension, both Chrome and Firefox have launched their own built-in features to take full-page screenshots. These built-in features are superior to this extension so I highly recommend that you switch over.

In Firefox it is as simple as right-clicking the page and using Take Screenshot. See this discussion.

In Chrome it is a little bit more complicated as you have to access the developer tools. See this discussion.

I also want to announce that I am not going to update this extension to MV3. This means that it will stop working in Chrome in January 2023. I already took down the Firefox page. Discuss this here.

I guess that’s it. So long, and thanks for all the fish.

2017-01-30 - v0.0.3

This is just a minor update to show better errors when attempting to screenshot certain domains.

In Chrome, extensions can’t inject scripts on the domain In Firefox, extensions can’t inject scripts on certain domains. If you have a need to take screenshots on these domains, you can use the other browser to take them, i.e. use Firefox to take screenshot on, and use Chrome on domains.

Thanks to this extension working in both browsers, you can still get what you want.

2016-12-31 - v0.0.2

First update! This actually comes with rewriting most of the extension. It is now much more reliable. Before you could easily get the same spot of the page twice in the screenshot, and horizontal scrollbars on every frame as well. Most of those problems are gone now. There are still problems with absolutely positioned headers and sidebars, but that’s a problem for another version.

Because I use one async function in this update, this version requires Chrome 55 or later. Firefox will support async functions in Firefox 52, so for now there’s an extra wait of 500 ms at the very end of taking a screenshot.

2016-09-04 - v0.0.1

First release. I made this extension after I became tired with the increasing amount of bloat on the extension I was using previously. I hope you enjoy it too.