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There are three blacklists in AltDrag. Here is a brief explanation of them:

Setting Explanation
ProcessBlacklist A list of processes that should not be affected by dragging and other actions. It is here you specify processes that you don’t want AltDrag to touch.
Blacklist A list of windows that should not be affected by dragging and other actions. This list also affects InactiveScroll.
Snaplist A list of windows that should be snapped to. You should only need to specify windows that do not have a normal border here (like Winamp or Spotify).

Since 1.0, you can specify processes in ProcessBlacklist. It is a comma separated list of executable names. The matching is case-insensitive.

Blacklist and Snaplist identify windows based on the title and class name. The class name is an identifier used internally in Windows, so it is normally not visible. You can use AltDrag’s configuration window to identify class names of windows. The entries are comma separated in the format title|classname. Do not use spaces when separating the entries, since the space will end up being included in the title. The matching is case-sensitive.

Omitting the title or classname will make it match an empty string. To make it ignore the title or class name, use the string *. This does not enable you to use wildcards, * is only valid when you want to completely ignore matching the title or the class name. Omitting the pipe character will also make it ignore the class name.

Borderless windows are not snapped to by default. These windows have to be specified in Snaplist.

Something worth mentioning is that when AltDrag conflicts with other applications, you can often press the alt button after you press the mouse button to avoid invoking AltDrag.

Identifying windows

Since version 1.0, you can use AltDrag’s configuration window to identify the title and classname of other windows. However, in some cases that little feature is not enough. If you need a better program for this task, try one of these:

Windows blacklisted by default

Here is an explanation of the default entries:

Blacklist Explanation
*|MultitaskingViewFrame This is the Alt+Tab window in Windows 10.
Volume Control|Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow This is the volume control window in Windows 10. It is in this list so that you can still use the mouse wheel to change volume if you activated Scroll inactive windows and the mouse is not hovering the small window.
*|TaskSwitcherWnd This is part of the Alt+Tab window in Vista and Windows 7.
*|TaskSwitcherOverlayWnd This is part of the Alt+Tab window in Vista and Windows 7.
|#32770 This was the volume control window before Windows 10. It is in the list for the same reason the Windows 10 volume control window is in the list.
Snaplist Explanation
*|BaseWindow_RootWnd The Winamp window.
*|SkinWnd The Xfire main window.
*|ChatSkinWnd The Xfire chat window.
*|SpotifyMainWindow The Spotify window.
*|USurface_33202 The Steam windows. This identifier changes from version to version so you might have to update it manually.

You should not need to edit or remove any of these entries.

List of applications

Here is a list of applications with their blacklist rule. Add the rule to Blacklist if you don’t want to be able to drag it.

Application Blacklist rule
Photoshop *|Photoshop,*|OWL.DocumentWindow
Illustrator *|illustrator

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